We slept in and woke up just as Jackie was getting out of work. Her mom made us something we haven't seen up north- fried steaks! They were so good. With white gravy.
They showed us around the marketplace in downtown Charleston. We saw the famous Rainbow Row on the way.
I couldn't get them all in one picture, but it is pretty cool looking.
Down at the marketplace, Jackie, Josh, and I were dropped off to do some shopping. I got my routine magnet and postcards that I've been grabbing at every stop, and Josh got a small-scale model of a monument (Rainbow Row) like he did at our stops. Jackie got a Japanese fan. There were a lot of baskets being weaved for sale, and pineapple-themed goods. Jackie told us that pineapples were a symbol in the South of welcome. Outside were several horse drawn carriages and fountains.
We drove around with Jackie's mom and aunt. They showed us the bridge that was made under budget with only one guy dying while making it, and also saw her dad's military school and where they were married. It was really pretty.
When we got home, we played with Jackie's sister's 6 ferrets.
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